July 9, 2012 Carbon Capture Scientific presents Gas Pressurized Separation (GPS) and Hot Carbonate (Hot CAP) technologies for post combustion capture at the Department of Energy' Annual Contractor Meeting.

April 30, 2012 Carbon Capture Scientific exhibits and presents Gas Pressurized Separation (GPS) and Hot Carbonate (Hot CAP) technologies for post combustion capture at the 11th Annual Conference on Carbon Capture Utilization & Sequestration, in Pittsburgh, PA USA April 30 - May 3, 2012.
January 25, 2012 Carbon Capture Scientific presents Gas Pressurized Separation (GPS) Technology at the University of Texas conference on Carbon Capture and Storage: January 25 - 27, 2012 in Austin, Texas.

October 1, 2011 Carbon Capture Scientific awarded cooperative research agreement with National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) to develop and commercialize patented Gas Pressurized Separation (GPS) Technology for post combustion carbon capture applications.